Are you a member of Mile End Chavurah?
Would you like to further your involvement in our community and help on an organizational level by joining the Board of Directors?

Nominate yourself or someone else!

The Board of Directors is the governing body that is responsible for strategic direction, financial oversight, and overall policy (we are also sometimes pretty hands-on in terms of helping make our awesome events happen!). Taking an active part in the stewardship of a community organization is a unique and wonderful opportunity.

We are currently seeking candidates to fill positions that will be opening up for 2024-2025. Our AGM will be held on October 27th, 2024 and we hope you will consider joining the board if that is of interest to you.


Charities in Canada are governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. This group of individuals is legally responsible for overall governance. Generally speaking, our Managing Director is responsible for day-to-day operations and some aspects of decision making, while the Board provides leadership, direction and oversight in various ways, for example:

  • The development of long-term strategic plans and organizational policies
  • Making big decisions such as approving the annual budget
  • Acting as ambassadors for the organization
  • 18 years or older
  • Able to serve a 2-year term and make the necessary time commitment
  • Possess a functional comprehension of English (French is an asset)
  • Possess the skills and expertise needed to address Board-related priorities

Any member who is called to this role is invited to run – you do not need to have extensive experience with our community. In the interests of complementing our existing Board members, Mile End Chavurah encourages Francophones, Sephardic Jews, people of colour, and individuals under 30 or over 60 to apply.

  • Alignment: Board members are an important part of our community. As the holders of the mission, it is vital that directors understand and support our values and culture of inclusion, diversity, and accessibility.
  • Diversity: We value having a Board that represents the diversity of perspectives of our whole community. We try to have a balance of people of different ages, races, genders, languages, cultures and life experiences.
  • Time Commitment: Mile End Chavurah Board members are engaged, and are expected to attend one meeting per month (about 2 to 2.5 hours), keep up with correspondence (½ hour to 2 hours per month) participate on committees and in  working groups outside of regular Board meetings (variable time commitment: ½ hour to 3 hours per month), attend events, and have a visible presence in our community. The estimated time commitment is 3-8 hours per month, depending on what the Board is working on and the load of the committee(s) the member sits on.
  • Stability: It can take time for a Board (like any team) to come together and be productive. It is therefore important to have Board members who intend to fulfill their two-year term.
  • Key skills: A strong Board has members with the range of skills and experiences that are needed to make informed decisions.
  • Strategic Planning: consultation and visioning processes, stakeholder engagement, change management
  • Financial Planning: financial maintenance and improvement, financial planning, accounting procedures
  • Communications: experience with social media, web design, PR and promotions, as well as relationship management
  • Diversity: experience working with diverse Jewish or other faith communities and different approaches to community development
  • Fundraising: support for staff and board fundraising efforts, knowledge of local and national fundraising context
  • Legal: ensure compliance with the laws and regulations governing non-profit organizations and the maintenance of the organization’s own by-laws, including human resources management.

Note: Sitting on the Board is not the only way to participate in the leadership activities of the Chavurah! If you are interested in the big picture and governance of the organization, this might be the role for you. If you are more interested in contributing to specific activities, you can get involved by joining a committee, or helping out at events.

Committing to be a member of the Board of Directors is a big and exciting responsibility. If you want to explore whether your profile is aligned with the needs and role of the Board, or simply for more information, feel free to contact us for more details.


Choose from the following two options:

  1. CLICK HERE  to nominate somebody for this role (please note that we will contact the person to verify their interest, and we will identify you as the person that nominated them)
  2. CLICK HERE to submit your candidacy.